Seeing as we've had some concerns with our initial idea for element 3, we've started to think about other options. We liked the idea of having it outside to create a different dynamic and a contrast to the other two elements but we don't know what other 'urban' looking locations we'll be able to get permission for in time. However, after discussing it with my group, we all quite like the idea of maybe setting it in a forest environment. Again, we wouldn't be sure as to whether we'd be able to gain access to anything like that where we can set off smoke bombs but it's an option to consider.
There are gardens on our school campus that could work as a woodland setting, however, we've not been able to see it yet so it's still a questionable option. There would again be the issue of lighting and weather but at least we would still be on campus so there wouldn't be the hassle of traveling.
Our other option would be to build a set similar to what I pitched in my third idea that I developed over summer for the song 'Get Free' by 'Newton Faulkner'. It would be like the inside of an empty/abandoned cargo container. We would use red, stripy lights and well as some front lighting but the predominant colours would be red, grey and some light wood brown. This option would give us the most control over all of natures elements, would create a dynamic and would still contrast enough to the first and second element so that it's not all too similar.
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