Friday, 29 September 2017


After creating the list where we picked out key moments in the song, we began to create our timeline for the entire song which we'll need next week when we begin storyboarding. 

We started by making a rough plan, drawing a line on paper from 0:00 to the end of the song at 3:28 and made annotations, numbering each element so that when it came to creating the timeline, we would be able to simply number than, keeping in clear and organised.

However, before we started making these annotations, we started to think about where we could possibly cut the song down as there are some sections that we felt lasted too long or seemed repetitive. So, as Eden and I started to transfer the key moments of the song onto the timeline, Eddie went onto iMovie and cut a section at the end, making it flow nicely, cutting it down to about 2:57.  

Now that we had made little annotations as to where certain things in the song happen, we labeled them as to what element we thought would go best where and what parts of each element we would want to introduce and when.

I think what took the most time in this process was deciding when to introduce the final element. We wouldn't want it to come in too soon but at the same time, we don't want the audience to get bored cutting only from element 1 to 2. Eventually, we decided when to introduce it by making a compromise saying that we will introduce the element in one part of the music but continue keeping the audience interested by having the smoke bombs come in slightly later rather than at the same time.

Below is the altered version of the song and the final timeline that we created: