Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Costume: Seeing our Dancers in Costumes

On the day of our shoot, costume won't be something we have time to worry about. In order to make sure that everything fit the performers and the look that we want, I asked the dancers to meet me and show me the costumes that I asked them to bring as well as elements that we were providing.

Firstly we looked at the costume of element 2 which will consist of back and side light so the costume will have to accentuate the shapes they make.

For the third element, I provided some denim 'mom' jeans for Chrissy whilst Eden provided the black mesh top. Daisy, on the other hand, had these elements of the costume herself, however, we still wanted to see them in costume to make sure they look similar enough, that everything fits and that it fits the style we're going for.