Monday, 20 November 2017

Website: What Should Be Included?

1.   Album Artwork
2.   Links to purchase artist's music
3.   Artist's logo
4.   Links to tour tickets
5.   Link to listen to music
6.   Link to subscribe 
7.   Links to social media
8.   Link to merchandise 
9.   Music video

Homepage's also often contain tabs to a:

- Photo gallery 
- Video gallery
               (Both of which show the behind the scenes process of the creation of the video)

There will also be a tag with legal information from the record label and/or management

for the artist.The combination of all these details creates the star image as well as establishing the target audience. When the audience click on the website, it needs to be easy to navigate seeing their new music and where and how to purchase the artist's products. It is also important to see a link between the website and the other elements of a music campaign.