Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Treatment: Feedback

After pitching our treatment to our teachers we were given some points of feedback outlining certain issues within our idea and things that we should consider:

Think about exactly what we want from the lights for element one, whether they'll grow stronger as to create a silhouette effect around the artist or whether it's the artist herself that we want to see get lighter with front lighting. 

- Consider using the location in element three for the entire video and remove the studio elements.

- The smoke bombs would have to be in the background rather than foreground because it's too thick to film through. Would that then ruin the location?

- Confirm the use of location and plan a trip to visit it soon so that we have time to consider a different idea for element 3.

- How far away is the location? Set a date to assess the location for risks and practicality.

- Think about whether all the footage is going to be filmed straight on or with some movement.

- To connect the three elements and also to allow the video to progress fluidly, look into ways, we can use the camera work and choreography to create transitions between certain shots and elements of the song.

-  The artist and the colours are the only things that link the three elements - Think about how we can link the choreography in all the element.