Thursday 7 September 2017

Individual Pitch: Feedback

After pitching my music video idea for 'Waiting Game' by Banks, I was given some feedback from my class. 

The main points presented were:

- To further clarify my colour scheme and why those decisions play a part in the presentation of the artist.

- Specify what it is that I want to use to create the 'smokey' effect in the second element. Powder would be difficult to clean and manage so stage smoke seems to be the more likely/practical option.

- The three elements are all quite similar so it was suggested that I change the colour or increase the lighting in one to create a greater contrast.

The second video idea that I pitched was to 'Get Free' by Newton Faulkner. 

Some of my classmates were concerned as to how easy it would be to program the lights in my second element to complexly but I was reassured that it was possible I would just have to find key moments in the song that would create the biggest impact. There were also concerns as to where I would go for the 'industrial location'. I would plan to use a factory near where I live which I would have access to but other members in my class began to suggest other, more local locations that we may also be able to use.