Saturday 26 August 2017

Music Video Idea 3: Get Free

The song that I have created my music video idea around is Get Free by Newton Faulker.


For this song, the main idea revolves around the name of the song, 'Get Free'. The principal element will involve a very isolating room made of scrap wood or metal much like the photo below:

There would be some light which would come from small, high windows around the walls but the main lighting would come from in front in order to allow the audience to see the expression and struggle of the artist. Alongside this, there would be some red top lighting that would create an atmosphere to support the sense of imprisonment and lack of freedom within the lyrics. The use of the metal and/or wood would further this due to their drab colours.

The second element would involve the band which backs the main artist. There would be some spotlights on each musician but other than that the main source of light would come from lots of bulbs that dangle low by the artists. The lights will be programmed to turn on and off based on certain beats and highlights within the music itself assisting the energy and empowerment of the lyrics to increase as the song approaches the end.

There will be one final element involving dancers. The location will be industrial like a factory. There will be multiple dancers of whom there will be two defined sides, one trying to break free and one trying to conceal them. The dance with tell a story and will take the audience on a journey as they break free.

The artist that I'm creating, would be similar to artists such as Nizlopi and Paulo Nutini. The aggressive and yet enticing atmosphere created by the isolating location and the unrefined nature of the performances would fit with the song as the lyrics are about an escape from enclosing circumstances. The video fits with the star image of the artist as his main focus is his music and the message behind his words.