Monday 28 August 2017

Homepage Ideas: Waiting Game

When it comes to the campaign of the 'Waiting Game', I would want the website to be fairly minimalistic like the elements in the video. Below  is the 'Soul' template on Wix that I think would work well:

The colours incorporated within the website would oppose the above because I would use mainly black and red, linking the website to the video however I like the overall set up with the artist in the centre of the frame and a brief description below which would help sell an up and coming artists 'star image'. Unlike other websites, I'd like her music to be one of the first things that you see when you scroll down because that allows the audience to have easy access to her music and makes the sight easy to use in general.

The band 'Wet' have a very interesting website in terms of the background that they use. I would really like to experiment with something because I think the fact that it's not a clear still image makes it visually exiting and the artist's audience would find it a compelling reason to stay on the site.