Sunday 27 August 2017

Digipack Ideas: Waiting Game

In order to come up with ideas for an album cover, I looked through various album covers from artists of all sorts of genres mainly because even if artists have different styles and create music from different genres, they can still appeal to similar target audiences, thus designing similar artwork to attract that audience. Below are some photos of album covers that I believe apply to my artist:
In my video idea, there is a lot of low key lighting used, hence why I think some of the above correspond with the visuals in the video. I also like the idea of the David Bowie cover because it was made from multiple clips which I think applied to my artists, suggests a sense of variety and uniqueness. The lowest photograph it of a few drawings that I compiled to create a full image. Although I would prefer there to be some darker tones incorporated and more of a red tint to give it a closer link to my video idea, I like the sense of mystery behind it and also by having a drawing rather than a photo itself detaches her from the marketing slightly and suggests that her career is more about selling her music rather than selling herself.