Sunday 27 August 2017

Digipack Ideas: Black Magic

In order to come up with ideas for an album cover, I looked through various album covers from artists of all sorts of genres mainly because even if artists have different styles and create music from different genres, they can still appeal to similar target audiences, thus designing similar artwork to attract that audience. Below are some photos of album covers that I believe apply to my artist:

Similarly to when I came up with ideas for my digipack for 'Waiting Game', I looked through various existing album covers and artwork to come up with inspiration. Below are four album covers that I think show a variety of possibilities:
I'm not sure whether I would want the band to present on the cover or not. By having them there, it suggests that the band are selling themselves rather than the music but at the same time it would give a closer insight into the band for the audience. However, a quirky piece of artwork would demonstrate the genre and style of the music and the image of the band. In the top right corner, the band is present but the overall style is quite busy and eccentric colours which I think would create an interesting and unique vibe.