Saturday 26 August 2017

Music Video Idea 2: Black Magic

The song that I have created my music video idea around is Black Magic by The Amazons.

In my concept, the location would be quite simple with all the band playing their music so the singer, guitarist, bassist, and drummer would all be there with their instruments. The lighting would be pretty low with green and blue coming from either side. The singer would be wearing a black beanie, round sunglasses, a floral or patterned short-sleeved shirt and black trousers. The rest of the band would be wearing similar smart casual outfits. As the beat kicks in there would be some other strobe-like lighting. There would be a lot of close-ups on the musicians but predominantly on the lead singer corresponding Richard Dyer's theories that singers are always more in the limelight than the rest of the band. There would be various angles and dolly shots around the band especially towards the song as the song climaxes. The dark lighting appeals to the conventions of Rock as a genre so a target audience would find it appealing, the addition of strobe lights would entice the audience further as it would increase their excitement as the song comes to an end.

The second element would be quite complicated. There would be two bedrooms back to back with a wall dividing them. One would be more feminine and probably far more organised than the other featuring lighter, warm colours such as light blue, green, pink and yellow. Whereas the other would feature much darker colours. There would be two dancers, a male and a female who would dance in their rooms and would often have moments where they mirror each other and reach against the wall.

There would be multiple shots where the two are dancing together away from the set instead with backlighting which would have green and blue tints in order to fit smoothly to and from the band and dancers. The choreography would reflect the music. In the big moments, there would be a lift or a trick- something that would visually capture the audiences as the song goes on.

The band that I'm creating, would be similar to bands such as The Paris Youth Foundation and Clean Cut Kid. The energetic and fun atmosphere created by the presence of the band members themselves and seeing them dance and play their music together would fit with the song as the lyrics are about a fun yet sometimes tricky relationship. The video fits with the star image of the band because it allows the personalities of the band members to be presented letting the audience get to know them better and because the dancing is quite a typical convention of music videos future enticing the audience.