Thursday 1 December 2016

Storyboard: Process

Creating a storyboard can be quite a hard and stressful process when trying to do it as a group. It's always best to organise the work into sections, dividing the work load between us. Our first idea was to split the narrative up into three sections so we all did some of the drawing and writing. However, neither Hale Hoe or I felt confident in the drawing so we found other ways to divid the work. Harry was happy to take on the job or illustrating our storyboard whilst Hale Hoe and I did the writing and annotations of the narrative so that when on set, we understand what the drawing represent. Whenever Harry finished a page of drawings, Hale Hoe and/or I would annotate it.

I also made lots of notes on other aspects of the written work, this included props, cats, costume and location. The notes that I made summarised each conversation about the said topics that we had, allowing Harry to be able to continue with the storyboard whilst still being able to keep up with the groups written work.