Tuesday 10 January 2017

Location: Potential Problems

The only obvious potential prelims with our thriller shoot would be with weather and our actors. As our filming date is in January, the possibility of rain or even snow are quite high which would cause us problems on set because our planned location is the top floor of a multi-storey car park. If it snows, it would be very hard to get to our organised location and a drone shoot wouldn't be possible so we would have to film at our back up location. If it rains, there would be the issue of getting camera equipment wet however, there's a simpler solution. As there is more than one production group filming that day, the second to highest floor is also booked. So, in the event of rain we would film on a different floor.

The potential problems with our actors is the possibility that they're ill or unable to commit to the filming. This would be avoided by ensuring that our back ups are available or by using some of the actors or group members from the other production groups who will be there on the shooting day.