Tuesday 10 January 2017

Shooting Day - 25/01/17

Today we found out that our shooting schedule for all the groups in our year had been finalised and that our shoot would take place on the 25th of January giving us just over two weeks to make our final arrangements. I feel confident that we'll be able to achieve everything we need to because we have a lot more time than anticipated. Due to the particular class that my group is in, we were under the impression that our shoot would be much sooner. It's quite a relief to know that we have a bit more time because I was slightly concerned that we wouldn't be able to acquire all the necessary costumes and props. 

However, we now have plenty of time our new priority is to discuss how as a group we will organise our day so that we make the most of our time. The reason why this has to be organised quite precisely before our shoot is because on the same day there are two other groups filming in the car park and due to the extremity of our set, we will have to go last meaning that depending on how their shoots go, we could b left with either a lot of time or barley anytime to film. We need to be ready for the worst so that we can still get all the footage we need on the day and more if possible.