Sunday 29 January 2017

Cast: List of Characters Final

After deciding to change our characters here is another brief breakdown of our characters:

Character Breakdowns:

Molly: A young woman to who had escaped from an asylum. She suffers with mental health issues and extreme paranoia. She used the boy, Matt, to help her escape the asylum but when she no longer sees his value, the only solution in getting rid of him is killing him. She has the ability to penetrate the minds of others such as Mike by being extremely observational but also because she knows things about Mike that the audience are yet to find out. Throughout the sequence she tries to convince the officers that she's innocent and scared in an attempt to distract them to escape however when this doesn't work she attacks Mike far more personally revealing her antagonistic manners.

Matty: Also an asylum escapee. He's weaker than Molly both mentally and seemingly physically. He's extremely easy to manipulate due to his dependance on others that spurred from being thrown into an asylum. He doesn't want to die but cannot get passed the likes of Molly.

The PolicemenNot standard issue policemen due to the weaponry they possess. This would help identify to the audience that the girl is no ordinary killer but truly dangerous. For the most part they're quite cautions being very alert of any sudden actions Molly make tai win either escaping or harming Matty further. There are moments in some of the close ups that we got where it seems that they too are scared of her especially when they see Mike, the character who's meant to be in charge, fall vulnerable to her. 

The Detective: A seemingly mentally stable character who instantly asserts him authority and is portrayed as one of the protagonists. As an able character he contrasts to Molly's sudden outbursts by stay rather calm and collected trying to seem that his priority is to get Matty to safety when his true priority is to gain control of Molly because he suspects that she had leverage over him which he soon discovers she does. He subverts the stereotype that able people are stronger and more stable than disabled because he falls vulnerable to her.