Friday 16 December 2016

Costume: What We Want

The Girl: Simple black leggings or tracksuit bottom, with a black t-shirt and jumper. Shoes
              should be dirty. Maybe an oversized jacket. Overall, the colours should be
              neutral i.e black, grey and white. All should be somewhat dirty and clearly worn
              out. The aim is to make her look as simple as possible to denote that she's
              escaped from an imprisoned area and has found and stolen simple clothes. The
              black contrasted with the lighter colours should connote both the dangerous and
              feeble innocent side of the girl.
              In terms of makeup, our cast is predominantly male so we won't need any makeup
              apart for Molly which will be very natural. We'll use some concealer to even out her
              skin tone, some mascara to define her eyes better and some eye liner on the top
              water line of her eye to give it further definition.

The Corpse: Similar to the girls costume due to the assumption that they would have
                     found and/or stolen the clothes together. We were debating a a white t-shirt
                     for him because it would show the blood from where her weapon had
                     impaled her. 

The Police: Although they're not standard issue officers, their uniform would be allowing
                   the audience to instantly understand who they are and their general
                   intentions in the scene.

The Detective: Wearing black shirts and suit trousers with a grey tie, a dark grey to black
                        scarf and a long leather trench coat.