Saturday 17 December 2016

Costume: Research

For the boy, the only makeup we'll need is some very pale powder to make him look like he's loosing blood and dying and some fake blood. Our intention is to have about two to three stab wounds from when the girl attacked him. We'll need a reasonably large quantity to pour over his t-shirt to depict the blood loss. As well as that we may well need it to spill slightly on the floor under the corpse. I've researched various different types of fake blood, here were some of the results:

Although all of these seem suitable, I think the second option would be best because, according to several reviews, it has quite a thick consistency meaning that it'll spread easily over the corpse's body and clothes and has a syrup base so, if we do spill some on the floor just by the wounds, it wouldn't spread too far helping us keep the continuity. If we decided to put any by her mouth, the mint flavour would make it more convenient for the actress.

In terms of the police uniforms, we know that our police officers will be armed so it's only fitting that they have the correct uniform and protection. For this I researched several bullet proof vests. This is what I found:



If we had a large budget for our film, we would probably buy number 1 or 3 because they look the most formal. I would choose option 1 over option 3 because although option 3 looks formal and would offered everything we would want, it looks almost too extreme for our thriller. In a realistic world we would have to go with option 2 due to financial concerns but by adding a police badge or label, it would do everything we would need.