Friday 16 December 2016

Change in Narrative

As we've been planning our thriller something that I realised we'd never really touched on was my Molly's victim is dead before the police get there and why her victim was female. We came to the conclusion that she was female because it would make more sense seeing as we originally claimed that they'd escaped the asylum together and it would make more sense if they were both female because they would be in the same ward. However, by making him male, it would create a really interesting contrast because we would then be subverting gender stereotypes making it far more unpredictable which would entice the audience more. 

When discussing why we assumed her victim would be dead we couldn't find a substantial reason but when discussing the pros if they he was still alive but simply close to death, the list was endless. One of the main intentions you have to have when making a thriller is how to create tension and build suspense. By having our victim on the cusp of death we would be creating a far great sense of suspense and it would give the detective and police officers a much greater need to gain control over the situation to help him. 

So we officially changed the gender of the victim and we altered our narrative so that he's now dying rather than already dead.