Wednesday 30 November 2016

Target Audience

As a class we've not really discussed the target audience and how they influence a lot of modern media. It's important that whilst developing and eventually filming our thriller, that we consider the target audience and think about how their stereotypical interests could effect our narrative. Certain target audiences are larger than others making them more appealing to the industry because you're going to maki more money if you appeal to more people. Obviously, in our thriller we're not thinking about how much money we're could make but we m=need to think about who we're trying to appeal to.

When discussing the age range that we think our thriller will appeal to, Harry initially said 21-25 but I questioned that because I thought it was too old. I believe that people aged 21-25 years old would play a large part within our target audience but we agreed that 15-19 was more suitable. We also agreed that our film would be targeted more towards males because there a strong action elements within it and stereotypically men find violence more appealing than women.