Monday 7 November 2016

Thriller Opening Ideas

1) A gang based in London, Who mainly work in the human trafficking business, enter a
crisis after one gang member goes rouge. Daniel, a man in his twenties was on a job with a few other members of the gang. He was the youngest member for a while meaning everything he did before was just simple pick ups and drop offs for the gang. When a younger guy joins the gang, Daniel gets promoted, allowing him to actually be part of the jobs not just a taxi service. However, when seeing the brutal reality of these jobs he runs away because he can't bring himself to killing of hurting people in the way the others could. The only problem is that the gang leader Is the one who tells you when it's 'OK' to leave. Daniel didn't seem very important but the information that he had gathered from those drop offs ad pick ups where enough to bring the entire gang down. The gang pursue him all the while trying not to aggravate him. When Daniel realizes how  much power he has over the gang, he tries to out smart and manipulate him but it goes wrong. He exposes the gang and restores justice but on the way, kills the gang leader resulting in him, being locked away for murder. We see him being locked up however, the final shot will suggest that he breaks out. 

Opening: We see a man running through a field of through trees will blood on his hands
and clothes. He's scared and tired. You can hear him panting and frantic body movements show he's scared and looking out for someone who could be chasing him. He stumbles through some trees crying out but with no sound. There are flash backs of the events he's just experienced. These would include seeing human brutality between some of the gang members and people who they're illegally selling. There will then be flash backs to a chase whereby he was being chased by a gang member. He hides behind a tree and we see the member approaching. As he gets closer, Daniel jumps out and they engage in an aggressive conversation that leads into a fight in which he knocks the member unconscious. It will pull back to reality and we see Daniel breaking down falling to his knees terrified. He hears a noise- potentially another gang member. He runs off.

2) The daughter of an assassin, unintentionally gets herself involved with her fathers work and some dangerous men. One evening, some men break into their house and she sees her father get killed. Her father left her instructions in the likelihood that something like this could happen- the instructions contained vital pieces of information that the murderers would be determined to get back. The girl looks over the documents she stole and sees that the men who killed her father were terrorists and were planning a to detonate a bomb on New Years day. She battles through to try and expose them whilst trying not to get caught. 

The opening would begin with the girl coming out of class with her friends and eventually saying good bye because it’s the end of the day. We follow her through school grounds before seeing a man dressed in fairly ordinary clothes holding a gun (that he then puts in his pocket following the girl. As he approaches her, she turns around and we hear a groan. The man collapses and the girl continues to walk as though nothing happened.

3) The film is about a man who obsesses over young girls and always longs for their company. He stalks teenage girls and young women both physically and on social media, taking their pictures and learning their daily routines to help with the planning their kidnapping. He keeps them in his basement and 'looks' after them in every way he sees necessary but refuses to feed them. If they starve to death, he continues to look after them, panting their nails, brushing their hair and putting makeup on them. Over time we find out he works as a policeman and is placed on the case to investigate the disappearances of the girls but is partnered with a man who's daughter was a victim of his unhealthy obsession. 

We would see a rather 'normal' looking house somewhere in the suburbs of London where it's peaceful and quite. Throughout the house we see ordinary house hold objects making the general atmosphere of the house seem safe and relatable, as we go further and further into the house we see objects and weapons that make the setting very uncomfortable and suspense begins to grow. As we go down into the basement we see walls and walls covered in pictures of young girl and tables full of makeup and other beauty products. We then see a girl in a cage screaming but that sound is removed from the film, instead an upbeat joyful song plays subverting the stereotypical 'scary' music used in thrillers. By using contrapuntal sound, the opening would actually become more disturbing.