Saturday 26 November 2016

Feedback from group pitch

After pitching our concept to our teachers we were given the green light but were given some additional tips. For a start they questioned why our location was the schools view point, why not have a grander location? It was suggested that we films our thriller on the top floor of a car park. By doing this we would instantly be creating tension and would easily find the contrast between a busy location and yet isolating location. This was an idea that we definitely agreed with and thought it would also boost the production value of our thriller.

The next piece of advice was to consider the effect created by what weapon the main girl has. If she has a gun then yet again the tension would be increased massively however, I thought that logically it wouldn't make sense for her to have a gun. In the days before this scene, the main girl and the person who died would have been scavenging for clothes, food and other supplies. If she has a knife then logically she would have found one in any kitchen whereas a gun she would have to know where exactly she could get one and yet still keep it a secret to her companion. We came to the decision that a knife would still create tension, not as much as a gun however we have to stay true to our narrative. 

The last main discussion was about the number of policemen we would have. With such a location as the top floor of a car park, we felt that we should have as many as possible to portray the danger that our protagonist presents. 

I was quite nervous before pitching our idea in case we didn't get the green light but after getting more advice and making the decisions that we did, I feel a lot more confident with our options now and I can really picture our thriller now. I'm very excited to get it all started.