Saturday 10 June 2017

Practise Website: My Process

In order to get to know and understand the software which we will be using to create our final websites, I created a homepage for an artist named Maverick Sabre. Here is my process:

I began by login in and selecting the most suitable category, music.

After this, I had to choose either an artist or a band that I was creating a homepage for. I decided to go for a solo artist and selected the template named 'Single Release' to do so.

From there, I changed the background, the video and the text alongside it's colour to better suit my chosen artist, Maverick Sabre.

I then went on to change the colour for the background of the tour date section to better accompany the colour scheme of the video and background I'd chosen. After, I changed the colour and font of the text.

I began by login in and selecting the most suitable category, music. One of the final additions that I made was adding Maverick Sabre's social media such as Facebook, Instagram  Twitter and YouTube.

Here was the final outlook of my homepage. The background changes so here are a variety of photos:

I often get nervous about using new software but Wix wasn't too difficult. However, when it came to selecting photos and an appropriate template that would allow me to create the 'star image' and to help conform to the correct conventions of the genre, I struggled in creating the correct colour scheme and style for Maverick Sabre. When constructing my final website for the artist that I'll create, I will have greater access to a larger variety of relevant images specifically designed for the website and campaign in general. 

I feel I did overcome this however mainly through trial and error with various photos and colours such as the lower half of the site and displays the tour dates. Originally, that menu bar was white with quite a low opacity which I didn't think suited the colours that I was presenting in the background. So, I tried out some other colours and came to the conclusion that a dark blue would suit the site best however I decided to keep the opacity low to see the clip that is shown in the background through the blue.

What went well for me was not hesitating and getting anxious about a new program. WIX was very easy to use with the pre made templates but it was also easy to change and experiment with the templates and create something original.