Friday 17 March 2017

Evaluation Task 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

After receiving the results from the interviews, as a group, we decided that a our target audience were men of an age between 18-20. Their interests include activities such as paint balling and other activities/games they can contribute to with friends and seeing films with them.

I have made a fake Facebook account to represent a stereotype based upon our results. The page includes comments he may make about events he may partake in with friends as well as photos that suggest his interest in action.

This would be his profile:

In the post that you can see on the bottom right corner, he's seen as a sociable person who enjoys going to see thriller films.

As a 20 year old university student, it's likely that he would work at somewhere with lenient hours such as Waitrose. He has an interest in film and lives in the UK.

As a film fanatic, I've posted some film memes to show his type of humour and present his interest in films.

Lastly, this is one of the adverts that, using the information provided, was purposely targeted at males like Sam based on their common interests such as PS4: