Saturday 18 March 2017

Evaluation Task 4 Part One: Preparation

Within the film industry, marketing is one of the vital processes when it comes to a films success. A film is advertised to as many people as possible but, one of the most important pieces of information needed is the target audience so that they know who exactly they're trying to appeal to. For our thriller opening, we too need to consider the age range, gender and nationality our film would be aimed at. To identify our target audience, we constructed some questions that would allow us to sample a range of age groups and genders helping us to determine the common likes and dislikes within each category. From this information, we would be able to decipher our primary target audience. These are the question that we will ask:

 1)  How old are you?

 2)  What gender do you identify with?

 3)  What’s your favourite film genre?
       -  Action
       -  Thriller
       -  Comedy
       -  Romance
       -  Sci-fi

 4)  Who’s your favourite actor?

 5)  Who’s your favourite director?

 6)  What’s your favourite film? Why?

 7)  What do you look for in a film?

 8)  Do you like thrillers? If so which is your favourite?

 9)  Out of the following, what’s your preferred thriller sub genre? Why?
       -  Action-thriller
       -  Sci-fi thriller
       -  Political thriller
       -  Survivalist thriller
       -  Forensic thriller

10)  What’s your favourite TV series?

11)  Would the exploration of mental illness within film interest you?

12)  Do films that involve violence put you off?

13) Do you prefer films that are easy to follow or have twists and surprises within

      their narrative?

A lot of our questions are less about our thriller opening and more so about people's interest to help us establish the differences between each age, gender and nationality category. Using a variety of opened and closed questions, we will be able to gain both straight answers as well as more free, opinionated answers. Questions 4,5,6 and 10 are examples of open questions and will help us identify categorical differences as we can research the certain genres or styles that connote with their answers i.e question 4 if they were to say someone like Will Ferrel, we would be able to infer that they enjoy comedies whereas if they said Keanu Reeves, they likely enjoy action films.
The answers to questions 11, 12 and 13 may effect the way we edit our opening because if our target audience don't enjoy violence, we would avoid using the shots where the victims wounds are particularly visible or if the would prefer not to get a deep insight into the disturbed nature of our character, there would be certain parts of the dialogue that we may not include.

Harry edited the footage we collected from our questionnaire, interviewing different categories to identify the one(s) most relevant to our opening. These were our results:

From this video we managed to gather results and establish our a target audience but we wanted to compress our data further. To help us to narrow down our target audience farther we created these graphs:

The video alongside these graphs allowed us to determine that our target audience would be males aged 18-20