Saturday 15 October 2016

Notes: Thriller

Thriller Hybrids:

Action Thrillers:

Are films packed with action and get you on the edge of your seat, they aim to keep you entertained with pyrotechnics, tense story lines and a either a twist or cliff-hanger.

Romantic Thrillers

Are films that provide moments of uncomfortable suspense and a heightened feelings of anxiety alongside moments of delight and pleasure.

Comedic Thrillers

Are films that are often considered 'easier' to watch then other thriller hybrids mainly because the comedic element lightens the narrative and distracts from the suspense going the audience breaks.

Science Fiction Thrillers

Are films that play with the action element associated with science fiction films but are a lot more immersive as suspense is utilized a lot to create more jeopardy for the characters putting the audience on edge.

Thriller sub genres:

Crime/Spy/Espionage  Thrillers: 

Use a criminal or a catastrophic event to create tension as well as involving a complex investigation that constructs plot twists and surprises for the audience keeping them on edge.

Disaster Thrillers:

Presents a world jeopardizing event that typically only a small group of people van stop.The film would follow the progress of the group and see how the world is nearly destroyed. The pace would increase as the films progresses. 

Forensic Thriller:

Similar to crime thrillers, forensic thrillers follow the actions of a criminal or a criminal act. all the time trying to identify the criminal.

Political Thriller:
Often take real political events and bring them to life on screen,. The jeopardy for the characters is often very high as it is usually those in high status positions who's lives are put in danger. This sub genre is quite similar to disaster thrillers because the threatening of those i power could lead to global catastrophic i.e nuclear war.

Psychological Thriller

Plays around with the audiences emotions and tries to disturb them and use suspense and tension to make them very paranoid. 

Survivalist Thriller

Usually explores the idea of isolation making the audience very paranoid and defensive. Audience member s often develop a strong connection with the character as they feel very empathetic and scared for them.